Four Applications Of Post-Tensioning Methods To Reduce Cracking

Although reinforced steel is still the prevailing method for reinforcing concrete, it is post-tensioning methods that have become increasing popular. Due to its design, concrete strengthened in this manner will give more with movement; therefore, it will produce less cracks. The following are four applications of post-tensioning strengthening that will be beneficial in reducing cracks.

In earthquake prone areas

This is especially true for concrete foundations for new buildings and houses constructed in the southwest portion of the United States, but it applies to anyplace prone to small tremors and earthquake. Because post-tensioning methods allow for the concrete to absorb some of the vibration, there is a reduced chance of cracking. And in the event that a crack forms, there is less chance of the crack enlarging over time.

Houses built on shifting soil

Some foundations for residential homes are built on firmer soil that others. But for those built on soil that has a tendency to shift slightly over time, it is post-tensioning methods that can be used on concrete slabs that form the foundation of the home. Where traditional reinforcement techniques will not allow for any give in the slab, using a post tension method can prevent cracking on shifting soil and give a longer life span to the house's foundation.

Outdoor recreational surfaces

Concrete surfaces in parks for recreation such as outdoor basketball and tennis courts are ideal candidates for post-tensioning methods. Although concrete surfaces will last longer, cracking due to vibration can necessitate repairs. post-tensioning methods will reduce the amount of cracking on the surface over the life of the surface.

Cement walls

When a cement wall cracks, naturally, repairs will need to be made. But unlike concrete slabs, walls can begin to crumble. In addition, an unstable concrete wall can be a safety hazard. But when this wall is built with a post-tensioning method, the result is a wall that resists cracks from the vibration of passing cars and trucks as well as any shifting of the soil or movement of the ground from tremors.

Cracking, of course, is only one reason to consider post-tensioning methods for concrete; there are others. As it gains in popularity, there are more contractors who are well versed in the various methods of post-tensioning construction, and who also have the experience to know which method works best for a particular situation. The technology behind the equipment used to apply these methods has also advanced, making it an important option in the construction industry. Check with a company like Advanced Post-Tension, LLC for more information.
